Do's and Dont's
You are welcome in the temple as in your home, RESPECT IT as such.
Observe absolute silence and chant “Om Namo Sri Venkatesaya” or “Om Namo Narayanaya”, inside the temple.
Bathe and wear clean clothes before entering temple premises.
Respect ancient customs and usages while at Temple and its premises.
Respect and promote religious sentiments among co-pilgrims.
Dress code: It would be appreciated if all devotees dress in an traditional manner.
Men : Dhoti with shirt and are required to remove the upavastra/shirt before entering the main shrine.
Women : Saree or Churidhar with Scarf (dupatta).
Deposit your offerings only in the Hundi. Donations placed within the hundi are used towards temple construction, beautification, and pilgrim services.
Wear a tilak in accordance with your religious affiliation.
Conduct in and around the temple conforming to the purity of the temple should be preserved at all times.
Please turn your mobile phones off or put on silent while inside the temple.
Parents shall supervise children at all times and ensure that children do not cause and disturbance or damage to the premises.
Please dispose off any rubbish in the rubbish bins provided.
Do not take photos or videos inside the temple.
Do not wear footwear in and around the premises of the temple.
Do not Prostrate (sastanga danda pranamam) inside the temple when crowded.
Do not throw away the prasadam and teertham given to you at the temple.
Do not wear any head guards such as helmets, caps, turbans and hats inside the temple premises.
Do not commit any act of violence or harshness in the temple premises.
Do not rush in for darshan instead of waiting for your turn in the queue.
Smoking or consumption of alcohol at the temple complex or coming to the temple intoxicated is prohibited.
Please refrain from use of language that may be deemed to be abusive or offensive.
Do not enter the temple; if according to custom or usage, you are prohibited to enter.
Do not spit or be a nuisance inside the temple premises.
Do Not carry weapons while entering into the temple.
No posters, announcements or advertisements shall be placed or displayed without prior permission from the management.
As the temple belongs to all devotees, please provide as much service to the temple possible. Your service (seva) may be in the form of helping in the clean up after meals, cleaning in and around the temple etc.
If you have any suggestions or feedback, please put them in writing in the addressed to the Management.
Although the management committee will take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of all visitors and devotees, all users must assume the full responsibility of their actions and conduct whilst at the temple premises. The management or the Association will not under any circumstance whatsoever be responsible or liable for any injury or damage caused to or suffered by anyone or their property at any time whilst at or around the temple’s premises.
Authorised by the Management Committee, SSD Trust.